
Two Weeks Free! Spanish Classes with Spanish Academy LMBD

Register today!

By Spanish Academy Little Minds Big Dreams October 26, 2021

Do you want your child to have a competitive advantage in the future?

Are you (or your husband) a native Spanish speaker and want your child to communicate in Spanish with their extended family?

If you answer "yes" to at least one of the questions above Spanish Academy LMBD is here to HELP YOU.

Register your child for their in-person, full immersion Spanish classes!

Spanish Academy LMBD is very excited to announce their in-person, full immersion Spanish classes in Jupiter, Florida! The full-immersion classes are not the same as your child's current school Spanish classes. Spanish Academy LMBD offers a full-immersion curriculum that has been proven to deliver results to hundreds of children.

If you want your child to take their learning to the next level in the Spanish language, acquire conversational, reading, writing, and higher-order thinking skills, then your child belongs in this class.

In-person Spanish classes include:

  • One class per week
  • Materials and worksheets that align with each lesson
  • A curriculum that has been taught to thousands of students and has been proven to show incredible results in the student's learning progress of the Spanish language
  • Monthly progress report for your child    
  • 100% support from their team  
  • Challenges
  • ***Bonus resources


  • Students will strengthen bilingual skills: The ability to communicate in Spanish and English.
  • Students will develop biliteracy skills: The ability to speak, read, listen, and write in Spanish and English.
  • Students will boost high-order thinking skills throughout the reading process: Making connections, inferring, comparing and contrasting, etc.
  • Students will strengthen SEL - social-emotional learning skills: Self-Awareness, self-management, decision making, relationships, social awareness.
  • Students will foster global citizen skills: Cultural diversity and global issues awareness, values, and critical thinking.

More info:

  • Mondays 4:00 to 4:50 PM for preschool and lower elementary students.
  • Mondays 5:00 to 6:00 PM for upper elementary students (advanced class).
  • 860 Jupiter Park Dr, Jupiter, FL 
  • Tuition: $129 per month for preschool and lower elementary students and $139 per month for upper elementary students

Sign up online here:

Contact: (561) 703-5393 or (561) 577-7120.